art director / creative director

Contact: 55 11 99201.3795(WhatsUp) / 55 11 4152.2358
e-mail: fontoura@fontourahot.com.br
Web site & portfolio: www.fontourahot.com.br



Oscar Fontoura Jr - art director and creative director



  • Oscar Fontoura Jr. has a large experience as art director and creative director in brazilian advertising agencies, as Talent Comunicações and FCB.
  • Projects for over 120 clients from different segments made on graphics, electronics media, and web digital. Also photo and video (recently).
  • More than 50 awards as creative in advertising (Cannes – Sawa; festival Ibero Americano, London Int festival; NY Festival, and Brazilian festivals).
  • Specialization in Advertising (barchelor); Art History; Google Adwords, Inbound, and Digital Midia; Video and photo.
  • Brazilian Portuguese (native), English and Spanish speaker.
  • Also sax player. Listen at www.jazzejoy.com.br
  • Graphic Design, Art Direction, Branding, Video Production, Branding Design, Branding, Digital Marketing, Website Design, Ecommerce, Inbound, Digital Media, Promotional Design, Packaging Design


Portfolio and Reel

Short reel about tv movies created until 2000

Short actual reel with print media, web, photo and video productions by Óscar, at  Fontoura Hot Digital


Oscar Fontoura Junior, brazilian from São Paulo has been working in advertising since 1979, first as an art director, and later as creative director and owner of his own business, since 2000.

He worked in some very important agencies in Brazil as Talent Comunicação, as art director (1988-1990) and FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding), first as art director (1993-1997), and later as creative director from 1995 to 1997. During this time he worked with many international brands, respecting its international polices, as Colgate – Palmolive, Faber Castell, Mastercard, Johnson, L’Oreal, Lancome.

Since 2000’ he decided to run his own business.

At Fontoura Hot Digital he manages branding projects; and developed his own methodology based o his experience with these international brands, the Hot Branding.

He plans, creates and produce advertising (print, tv, web), including cross media campaigns. Also he plans and manages web sites and ecommerce construction. He got knowledge in digital media as Adwords, Inbound strategye.

Nowadays, he manages Anna Pegova – Paris, a small french brand settled in Brazil. Anna Pegova is his client since 2004, and attributed an expressive value to its brand in Brazil.  Another current client is the Imigrantes Ecological Park, a sustainable enterprise settled for Kunito Miyasaka Foundation. Since 2010, Óscar has been accompanying its development and branding, creating marketing positioning, brand design, slogan, web site, and now the hole signs inside the Park.


Recently, last three years, has been directing and producing commercials for web and broadcast. So his knowledge and experience for creating and producing goes from print media, to film, to digital interactive and web.

During his career he acquired a multimedia experience, what helps him a lot to plan cross-media campaigns. Nowadays he has done some courses to get knowledge in digital media, as Google Adwords, Social Media and Inbound Strategies.

Graduated in advertising, by Escola de Comunicações e Artes – Universidade de São Paulo (1983). He got specific technical specializations in Art History, studio lighting for movie, film edition, interactive media, design for internet websites, Google Adwords, and Inbound by Hubspot. In 2017 he started an MBA on Digital Media at ESPM/ São Paulo (see below), but stopped to take care of his business.

He got something like 60 national and international prizes and honors, working as creative in advertising agencies. Some of his jobs are mentioned on Sawa (Cannes Advertising festival), NY Festival Annual publication, London Advertising Festivals, and FIAP (Ibero-Americano Advertising Festival). During this period he had the opportunity to develop communication projects in various areas, for-sized customers multinational and local companies, participating in international projects to launch global campaigns.

He also is musician and sax player and work as volunteer on social campaigns. ______________________________________________________________

Activities & Services

More info check site and short presentation at: https://fontourahot.com.br/digital/suportes/


Graduations, Courses & Training

  • Advertising and Propaganda – School of Communications and Arts / University of São Paulo (Graduation – 1979/1982)
  • History of Art – Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (Incomplete Degree – 1986)
  • Saxophone- New Music School (Reading Musical- Solo and improvisation / 3 years- 1987)
  • Adobe Dream Weaver Technical Specialization Course (2000)
  • Specialization Course Adobe Premiere (2000)
  • Flash Specialization Course – Authorized Centers (2001)
  • Technical Specialization Course – Lighting for Cinema and Video (Senac – 2014)
  • Technical Specialization Course – Advanced Adwords – Gobec / Google Partner (2015)
  • MBA – Management of Communication in Digital Media – 2017 (incompleted)
  • Master in Digital Media (by SINAPRO-2017 )
  • Inbound (by Hubspot- 2018)
  • Inbound Marketing (by Hubspot – 2018)


Advertising Agencies where he worked and Won Prizes



Prêmio Colunistas / Ouro – Institucional – Metacril/ Clube do Acrílico
Prêmio Colunistas Nacional / Prata – Automobilístico – Freios Varga
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário – Valisère 

TERRA DE PROPAGANDA (São Paulo / Brazil) 1984-85

Prêmio Colunistas São Paulo / Prata – Esmaltes Risqué
Prêmio Colunistas São Paulo / Prata – Tecelagem Vânia 

CBBA/PROPEG (São Paulo / Brazil)1985-89

FIAP Festival Ibero Americano de Publicidade / Ouro – outdoor/ CCPL/ Leite B Paulista
FIAP Festival Ibero Americano de Publicidade / Ouro – anúncio/ Repro Fotolitos
FIAP Festival Ibero Americano de Publicidade / Prata – tv/ CCPL/ Leite B Paulista
New York Festival /Finalista– tv / CCPL/ Leite B Paulista
Revista About/Voto Popular – Ouro-tv / CCPL/ Leite B Paulista
Revista About/Voto Popular / Ouro-outdoor/ DDPL/ Leite B Paulista
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário / Direitos Humanos 1
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário / Direitos Humanos 2
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário / ReproClube dos Diretores de Arte / Anuário / Direitos Humanos 1
Clube dos Diretores de Arte / Anuário – Repro 

TALENT/ COMUNICAÇÃO (São Paulo / Brazil) 1989-91

Prêmio Abril de Publicidade / Finalista – VidaInvest Bamerindus
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Bronze– tv Lacta Páscoa
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Prata – VidaInvest 

ADAG (São Paulo / Brazil) 1991-1992

New York Festival – Finalista- tv / Q Refresco / Ping Pong Amazônia  

FCB / FOOTE, CONE &BELDING (São Paulo / Brazil) 1992 – 97

New York Festival / Bronze- rev./ Banesto
FIAP- Festival Ibero Americano de Publicidade / Bronze– rev/ – Banesto
FIAP- Festival Ibero Americano de Publicidade / Bronze– tv/ Governo de Curaçao
SAWA- Cannes / Finalista– rev. / Santista Têxtil 1
SAWA- Cannes / Finalista- rev. / Santista Têxtil 2
London International Festival / Finalista- rev. / Barilla
London International Festival / Finalista– tv / – Santista Alimentos/ Maionegg’s
London International Festival / Finalista– rev. / – Santista Alimentos/ Boa Sorte com Ferm.
New York International Festival / Finalista– outdoor / – Santista Alimentos/Mila
Prêmio Abril de Publicidade / Finalista– campanha rev./- Gradiente/ Celulares
Prêmio Abril de Publicidade / Finalista– campanha rev./ – Tintas Coral
Prêmio Abril de Publicidade /Finalista- rev./ – Tintas Coral
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Prata– tv/ Governo de Curacao
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Prata– tv/ Santista Alimentos/ Margarina Bem-te-Vi
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Bronze– jornal/ Notícias Populares
Clube de Criação de São Paulo /Bronze- rev./ Tintas Coral/ Copa
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Bronze– outdoor/ Celular Gradiente
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Bronze– jorn/ Jodaf
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Bronze– jorn/ Notícias Populares / Leão Lobo
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário– tv / Tintas Coral / Sogra
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário– tv / Santista Alimentos/ Farinha Boa Sorte
Clube de Criação de São Paulo / Anuário– tv / Tintas Coral / Sogra
Revista About / Ouro– Prêmio Cliente Anuário- tv / Cadeia Santista
Revista About / Ouro– Prêmio Voto Popular- tv / Cadeia Santista
Revista About /Prata– Prêmio Voto Popular- campanha tv / Óleo Cocineiro
Revista About /Ouro– Prêmio Voto Popular- tv / campanha Tintas Coral / Coralmur
Revista About / Ouro– Prêmio Cliente- tv / campanha Tintas Coral/ Coralmur
Revista About / Prata- Prêmio Cliente- rev. / campanha Série Lápis / Faber- Castell
Prêmio Colunista de São Paulo / Ouro– tv / Santista Alimentos/ Farinha Boa Sorte
Prêmio Colunista de São Paulo / Bronze– tv / Tinta Coral / Sogra
Prêmio Colunista de São Paulo / Bronze– an / Faber- Castell
Prêmio Colunista de São Paulo / Bronze– an / Tintas Coral / Colorservice

THE GROUP SB AMERICA (São Paulo / Brazil)1997-2000

Revista About / Ouro– Prêmio Cliente- tv / Campanha Editora do Brasi 

FONTOURA HOT BRANDING  (São Paulo / Brazil) since 2000

(I decided not register any more work in festivals since 1999



List of advertising and design clients since 1983 to 2018

Health & Care

Anna Pegova
Colgate Palmolive
Germaine Monteaux
Warner Lambert / Lubriderm
Tampax – Tambrands

UP John – Farmácia Laboratórios
Niasi Cosméticos: Esmalte Risquè, colônias,
tinturas para cabelo Nuance e Biocolor.

Bless Optical / De Laurentis



Freios Varga
Bridgestone / Firestone
Asia Motors / Towner


Educational/ Cultural

Gulliver Brinquedos

Revista Veja – Ed. Abril

Editora do Brasil

Notícias Populares

Harmonia Educação e Cultura

SENAC Cursos de Extensão

Parque Ecológico Imigrantes

Fundação Kunito Myiasaka

Corporative /Institutional

Cia. Suzano de Papel e Celulose
Associação dos Produtores de
Papel Cartão e Celulose
Construtora Arão Sahm
Lopes Consult de Imóveis

Harmonia Educação e Cultura
Metacril/Clube do Acrílico
ISS Services

Santa Ercília Holding
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Governo do Estado do Maranhão
Governo do Estado de Roraima

Prefeitura de Osasco / Adm. Parro

Voith Hydro

Windlogistics Freitforwarding

Fundação Kunito Myiasaka

Parque Ecológico Imigrantes


Tourism & Hotels
Governo de Curaçao
Oficina de Turismo de Cartagena de Indias- Colômbia

Hotel Mofarrej Sheraton

Rede de Hotéis Meliá



SC Johnson

Tintas Coral


Trorion Colchões


Food & Beverages

Ajinomoto – Sazoon

Cervejaria Schincariol

Cadbury’s Schweep’s

CPL-  Cia Paulista de Laticínios
Cervejaria Belco

Cevall Alimentos


Massas Renata

Pastifício Selmi


Santista Alimentos
Vinagre Castelo
Sucos Maguary
Q Refresco: Fresh, Fest, Ping Pong
Remy Lacave
Vinho Chianti Ruffino
Whisky Dewards
Whisky Ballantine’s


Fashion & Textile  Industry
Santista Têxtil
Cia. Hering
Wrangler Jeans
Puc Infantil
Santista Textil
Calçados Búfalo

Tecnologie / IT /Electronics

Novell Network
Lotus Education
Gradiente Telefone Celular
Labo Computadores
Cygnus Equipamentos de Som Profissionais
Semp Toshiba

SSI- Simpósio de Segurança em Informática (ITA)
Trorion Colchões

Fujitsu -Plasma Tv
Nakamishi- áudio e home-theater
Mc Intosh – high fidelity sound systems
Siemens Aparelhos Auditivos

Unisys Brasil



Grupo Martinelli
Bamerindus Seguros
Banco Multiplic

BFB -Itau
Lloyds Bank
Banco Banesto
Bic Banco
Citibank (prospecção)








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